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Showing posts with label LG 530G. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LG 530G. Show all posts

Best LG Phones from Tracfone

Top 5 LG Brand Phones From Tracfone

lg best tracfone cell phone prepaid
The Best LG Brand Cell Phones
Here are the top 5 phones made by LG for Tracfone prepaid cell phone service. Each phone offers certain features and benefits the others may not be able to offer, so it is important to analyze which phone may be right for you.

These are only the top 5 LG brand phones, for those who like the LG brand and want to narrow their search to one brand. If you prefer other brands of cell phone, you may find our useful.
Cell Phone Reviews page

LG is a very popular electronics company that makes everything from TV's to refrigerators. They make some of the most cutting edge smartphones as well.

But the LG cell phones offered through Tracfone are not the newest or most recently released. They tend to be older models that have proven themselves with good value, durability and low cost.

LG products are great, and the same is true for their mobile devices from Tracfone, so let's get straight to the top 5 LG phones from Tracfone.

The Top 5 Best LG Brand Cell Phones Available at Tracfone

Starting with #5:

#5 - LG 440G
best LG cell phone tracfone
LG 440G
The LG 440G is a flip phone loaded with more features than one would expect for this compact phone.

It comes with fast mobile web, courtesy of 3G connectivity speeds. It also has a decent 1.3 MP camera, hands free speaker, voice dialing and all the other features normally included with a Tracfone. The only downside to this impressive little phone is that it only comes with Double Minutes for Life instead of the better Triple Minutes for Life that most newer Tracfone's now have.

Overall, this LG phone is small, convenient and has great value as a backup phone, or for other uses. You can read TracfoneReivewer's full LG 440G Review to learn more, including how to find it for less than retail price.

#4 - LG 530G
top 3 lg tracfone cell phones
LG 530G
This LG phone is a fine upgrade from other, older phones, including the LG 500G, which it is similar too. The LG 530G is a candy bar style phone (meaning no flipping or sliding parts), with a full QWERTY keyboard.

This phone is great for texting, in fact, it is one of TracfoneReviewer's top picks in our Best Tracfone Cell Phones for Texting post a few weeks back. The QWERTY keyboard makes texting quick and convenient, even for those unfamiliar with this style keyboard. If you haven't tried texting with a phone like this, it is well worth a try.

Other impressive features the LG 530 comes with include MP3 player, 1.3 MP camera, and best of all, Triple Minutes for Life. (which triples every minute added to the phone - a great value)

Overall, the LG 530G is a great LG brand cell phone offered by Tracfone and works well as an everyday phone. Triple Minutes for Life and easy texting makes it one of the best cell phones offered by Tracfone.

You can read our Review of the LG 530G to see the full feature list, and find our likes and dislikes for the phone.

#3 - LG 840G
lg 840G best tracfone cell phone
White LG 840G
Our #3 pick for best LG Tracfone is the 840G. It has modern features, and provides great value and functionality to consumers. It comes with Triple Minutes for Life, which means that every minute you add is tripled!

Three features that really stand out on the LG 840G are Touchscreen, MP3 player with 2GB MicroSD card included, and WiFi connectivity.

The LG 840G is one of only a handful of Tracfone Cell Phones with WiFi. WiFi connectivity allows you to connect to the internet for free and surf the web without using prepaid minutes. Needless to say, WiFi is a huge feature.

The touchscreen on the LG 840G is good, better than the touchscreen on the older, LG 800G. It may take some getting used to, but functions well and helps make this phone look like it is part of the modern smartphones, even if it isn't quite there yet.

Overall, the LG 840G is a stylish, feature rich phone that is the most modern offering from Tracfone. You can read our entire Review of the LG 840G to see all the features, and where to find it for less than the $50 retail price.

#2 - LG Optimus Dynamic
best LG phones from tracfone
LG Optimus Dynamic
The runner up in our list of top LG phones is the LG Optimus Dynamic. This phone is a true smartphone, running Android 2.3 and comes with a lot of features besides the ability to access thousands of apps in the Google Play store.

The touchscreen is 3.2", about the same as the LG 840G. The Dynamic also has WiFi, and Triple Minutes for Life.

It has a convenient size for those who don't want a large phone, and you can easily surf the web, browse YouTube, or play games on the phone. The storage space on the Optimus Dynamic isn't great, however, so you won't be able to load a large number of apps. But there are ways to move apps to the included SD card which helps increase the space.

Check out our full review of the LG Optimus Dynamic to learn more about the features. You can also take a look at the price on Amazon, which last check put it at under $20!

#1 - LG Optimus Dynamic II
top 5 lg tracfone devices
LG Optimus Dynamic II
As you can probably guess, the LG Optimus Dynamic II is a newer and better upgrade to the LG Optimus Dynamic. The Dynamic II has a larger 3.8" screen, WiFi, and more internal memory for storing things.

The LG Optimus Dynamic II runs Android 4.1 which is a newer version of Android OS. It also has a 3MP camera and lots of other great features.

The Dynamic II is one of the best Smartphones available from Tracfone at this time, but you should take a look at our List of Android Smartphones to see some of the options coming in the future, including the LG Optimus Fuel.

For more features and info, read our Review of the LG Optimus Dynamic II. It is currently selling for under $100 on Amazon and other places.

This concludes TracfoneReviewer's selection of the best LG phones offered by Tracfone. We hope you found this useful. You may be interested in reading our recent post with the Latest Summer Deals and Sales on Tracfone Devices and Minutes.

And if you're shopping for a new phone, you may want to learn about the new 'Bring Your Own Phone' to Tracfone program that we cover on our Tracfone BYOP page.

Leave a comment with your thoughts, questions or ideas and be sure to share this with others who might be interested!

Don't know what Tracfone Promo Codes are? Well, you are missing out on free minutes!

Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook for the latest posts and updates! Thanks for visiting!

This post was originally published on 7/2/2013 and fully updated on 7/30/2014

LG 840G vs LG 530G - Phone Comparison

How Does the LG 840G Compare to the LG 530G?

This is a common question, which phone is better? Should I buy the LG 840G or the LG 530G?

Here we will discuss the similarities and differences between the LG 840G and LG 530G, noting the pros and cons for each phone as well as choose the best between the two.

Tracfone LG 840g vs lg 530g
LG 840G vs LG 530G Cell Phone Comparison
The LG 840G and LG 530G are two cell phones offered through Tracfone Wireless as prepaid cell phones. You can buy these phones at most retail stores, and many places online. Buying service/minutes for these phones is also easily done online or in stores.

For more information on Tracfone, read our Overview of Tracfone. For more on their cell phones, check out our Tracfone Cell Phone Reviews.

Now, let's get back to the LG 840G vs LG 530G:

LG 840G vs. LG 530G - Similarities and Differences

Beginning with the similarities, these phones are both made by LG, a well known electronics company. Both phones also come with some of the same features:

tracfone lg 530g vs lg 840g
LG 530G
Features offered on Both Phones:
  • Triples Minutes for Life
  • Mobile Web
  • Bluetooth Wireless Technology
  • MP3 Player
  • Camera/Video Recorder (LG 840G has 2PM vs 1.3MP for LG 530G)
  • Hands Free Speaker/Voice Recorder
  • Voicemail/Alarm Clock/Caller ID Etc.
  • 1000 Entry Phone Book
  • Hearing Aid Compatible
  • Includes other basic features, like Wall Charger Etc.
  • Both phones are similar size, and fit comfortably in your hand.
These two phones offer a number of the same great features. Triple Minutes for Life is the best deal you can get from Tracfone, and Triples every minute you add to your phone. (So if you add 60 minutes, you will receive 180 minutes!)

With this information, one can see that both phones are good choices, but let's look at the key differences between the LG 840G and LG 530G to see if there is a best choice.

Features Offered on the LG 530G but not the LG 840G:
  • The LG 530G comes with a full QWERTY keyboard for fast and efficient texting.
  • The LG 530G also typically sells for about $10 cheaper than the LG 840G.
The QWERTY keyboard is a great feature for the LG 530G; it makes texting very easy, and almost anyone can become comfortable using this phone for texting. At about $10 less expensive, the LG 530G is a better deal for the budget conscious. 

But let's look at what the LG 840G has to offer:

lg 840g vs lg 530g tracfone cell phone
LG 840G
Features Offered on the LG 840G but not the LG 530G:
  • Full Touchscreen
  • 2GB MicroSD card included for Picture/Music storage
  • 3G speeds and connectivity
  • WiFi Capability
  • The LG 840G can also go 13 days on standby (compared to 6 days for the LG 530G)
That's a pretty serious list of extra features the LG 840G comes with that the LG 530G lacks! 

The LG 840G's touchscreen may be challenging for some, but for anyone accustomed to touchscreen devices, it is very easy to use.

An included 2GB MicroSD card is very convenient, allowing you to add music or pictures to the phone.

3G speeds make the LG 840G faster than most Tracfone cell phones for surfing the web. Speaking of surfing the web, the WiFI on the LG 840G allows the user to use the internet for FREE when connected to a WiFi network. 

These features make the LG 840G one of the best phones offered by Tracfone, with probably the best list of features. You can even add Google Maps to the LG 840G.

LG 840G Vs LG 530G - The Winner Is:

This is a close comparison, because the LG 530G is a durable and useful phone. But the LG 840G wins because of the awesome extra features it has, including: WiFi, 2GB Micro SD, Touchscreen and 3G speed.
lg 840g vs lg 530g
White LG 840G

Another reason TracfoneReviewer chooses the LG 840G over the LG 530G is price, the LG 840G can be found on Amazon for less than $40! And even in White!

DEAL UPDATE - The White LG 840G is going for $30 on Amazon last check!

In the end, both phones are good choices, but the LG 840G offers better features. You can read our detailed reviews of each phone: LG 840G Review and LG 530G Review to learn more.

Learn more about getting great deals from Tracfone, read our guide about the Cheapest Prepaid Plan from Tracfone.

Leave a comment with your thoughts or questions, and be sure to share this with others who might find it useful!

Tracfone Triple Minute Cell Phones

Tracfone Cell Phones with Triple Minutes for Life

Here is a list of Tracfone cell phones that come with triple minutes for life, the best deal Tracfone offers.

These phones tend to also be the newest from Tracfone, with several featuring full QWERTY Keyboards or even touchscreens.

Triple Minutes for Life means that for every minute added you will get three minutes total. So if you add a 200 minute prepaid card, you will receive 600 minutes total. You can also get even more minutes by using a Promo Code when adding your minutes.

Now, here is the list of cell phones form Tracfone with Triple Minutes for life.

List of Tripe Minute Cell Phones from Tracfone

This is the list of Tracfone prepaid cell phones that come with Triple Minutes for Life. Found a triple minute phone that isn't listed here? Leave a comment so we can add it!

To get more info on each of these phones, and read our reviews of them, simply follow the link for each one. Again, all of these phones come with Triple Minutes for Life!

tracfone triple minutes for life lg 505c
LG 505C
LG 530G - This phone comes with a great QWERTY keyboard making texting fast and simple. It also has lots of other good features like an MP3 Player, and long battery life. This is one of Tracfone Reviewer's favorite phones because of the sleek feel and solid, durable construction of the phone.

LG 505C - A phone with both a touchscreen and slider qwerty keyboard, this phone is very modern and sleek. It also uses the CDMA network, typically Verizon towers, so it is a good option if other GSM Tracfone cell phones won't work in your area. Tracfone Reviewer will be reviewing this phone soon, but until then, you can check it out on Amazon.

LG 800G - A slightly older Tracfone mobile device that features a touchscreen and many other good features. This phone, while not the best, can often be found at deep discounts and serves well as a back up or temporary phone.

tracfone triple minute phone lg 840g
LG 840G
LG 840G - A big upgrade from the LG 800G, this stylish touchscreen phone comes with WiFi and 3G connectivity making it a great value and one of Tracfone's best cell phones. This phone also comes with a MicroSD card, and lots more. Read our full review to see all the great features and the best deals.

Samsung S390G - This phone is another great option from Tracfone that comes with a QWERTY keyboard for fast texting, and WiFi connectivity for free internet browsing from the phone. Anytime you are connected to a wireless internet network, you can browse the web without using your prepaid minutes, adding huge value to this phone. Be sure to read our full review by following the link to learn more.

Samsung R455C - Another cell phone from Tracfone that uses CDMA networks instead of GSM, this phone has very good features such as a sliding qwerty keyboard, and is a good option for those in areas where Verizon networks have better coverage than AT&T. View this phone on Amazon to learn more about it.

samsung t404g triple minutes for life tracfone
Samsung T404G
Samsung T404G - A slider QWERTY keyboard style phone that is similar to the R455C except that this phone uses GSM networks, like AT&T. Tracfone Reviewer hasn't reviewed this yet, so view this phone on Amazon to learn more.

Samsung S425G - An updated version of the T404G, this phone features 3G connectivity making browsing the web faster and easier. It has a full sliding QWERTY keyboard that allows for fast and simple texting, and impressive battery life.

Samsung Galaxy Centura Android Tracfone is the newest phone from Tracfone, but so far we have only found it on We will update this (and post a new article) when we learn more and it becomes more widely available.

Know of another phone not listed here that comes with Triple Minutes for Life? Leave a comment so we can add it!

Learn more about the phones Tracfone offers by visiting our Cell Phone Reviews page.

And you might be interested in viewing the phones from Tracfone that have WiFI.

TracFone Review - LG 530G

A Newer Phone with Great Features

Review of LG530g
LG 530g from Tracfone
The LG 530G from TracFone is similar to the LG 500G but with a few upgrades and the biggest bonus, Triple Minutes for Life.

This phone has a good feel with a full QWERTY keypad and large screen it offers great functionality whether you want to call, text or surf the web.

LG 530G Features

The LG 530G is fully equipped with all the typical cell phone features one would expect and with good battery life and Triple Minutes, it is a very appealing prepaid phone.
  • Triple Minutes for Life
  • Full QWERTY Keyboard
  • Mobile Web Surfing
  • 1,000 entry Phone Book
  • 1.3 MP Camera/Video Recorder
  • SMS and MMS Picture Messaging
  • MP3 Player (Cables and Micro SD cards not included)
  • Hands-Free Speaker
  • Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
  • Voicemail, Call Waiting, and Caller ID
  • Voice/Sound Recorder
  • Alarm Clock
  • Battery talk time up to 3.8 hours
  • Standby time up to 6.3 days
  • Includes Battery, Charger, Activation Card, Services Guide and User Manual

Likes and Dislikes for the LG 530G

Let's begin by looking at Tracfone Reviewer's LIKES about this phone:

Some of the best features for this phone are the QWERTY Keyboard, MP3 player, Triple Minutes for Life, and overall sleek appearance.

The full QWERTY keyboard (which means it has a button for every letter in the alphabet, like a computer keyboard) is easy to get used to and makes texting much faster. No more hitting the numbers multiple times to get a text message written, every letter has its own button and makes texting simple for anyone.

The MP3 player is a convenient feature that allows you to download songs via TracFone (for a price) or add your own songs to the phone. The songs can be played through the headphones attached to the standard headphone jack, or through the speakers which are decent.

If you plan to use the MP3 player, be sure to buy a Micro SD card (up to 32GB) and a USB cable for the phone, as these are not included. (MicroSD cards are usually around $10 or less for a 4GB card, which is more than enough space for most people)

The included Triple Minutes for Life makes this phone an incredible deal. For every minute you add, you get 2 minutes free. So if you add a 60 minute prepaid card, you get 180 total minutes! This is the best deal TracFone has, and if you also use a Promo Code when adding your phone card, you will get even more free minutes!

Finally, the overall design of the phone is sleek and stylish - perfect for those looking for a phone they can enjoy everything about. It looks good and is easy to get accustomed to.

Time for a few DISLIKES about the LG 530G:

First of all, the phone does come with Mobile Web, but it is not all that great, and costs a lot to use. Few people use the Mobile Web feature, and it is not really necessary anyway. But if you are someone who likes to check email or Facebook from your phone, this might not be the phone for you.

Another dislike is that the phone does not come with an Micro SD card or USB cables. While not including these items does help keep the price down, it would be nice for the phone to come with them since it adds a lot to the overall functionality of the phone.

Overall this phone is a fantastic phone for those who like texting often and but still want to have a no contract prepaid phone. The Triple Minutes for Life is a huge bonus that makes this phone extremely reasonable to use.

Also, check out more Tracfone Reviews or read about How to Make your Prepaid Minutes Last Longer

Great Buying Option for the LG 530G:

This phone typically retails for $49.99 from most stores and on the Tracfone website. But it can be found on Amazon for closer to $30-35, a $15 to $20 savings!
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